Aug 23, 2008

"La Colectiva", a City Intervened

City IntervenedFive years ago, a group of artists from Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina) started a show that at the time they called "La Colectiva" simply because it was a collective exhibition. Since then, the gathering has been growing steadily and year after year they have more artists participating as well as more workshops, exhibitions and seminars open to the public.

During these five years, the teamwork from "La Colectiva" has generated new and different projects, one of them being "Urban Art" which consists of "intervening" the city by decorating the streets with art, mostly photographs.

The event ran from August 7 to the 17, and this year a friend of mine (Lucila Bodelon) -photographer and art professor-, was invited with some of her students to participate with their project "Territories", an itinerant exhibition that has been showed in different cities around the country. Knowing my interest for art exhibitions in general and for street art in particular, she generously sent me some pictures of the event.

The stenciled image at the top its the group signature and during those days was everywhere in Rosario.

Below, you can see some pictures of the artists preparing the intervention, as well as the city streets during the event:

Artists in action

Preparing the material

Rosario intervened

Doggie appreciating art

Last but not least, a slide show of the exhibition:
(if you don't see the slides, click on the X at the top right)

If you read Spanish, you can see more about La Colectiva 08 here.
Pictures by Lucila Bodelon.

1 comment:

Juan Manuel said...

A few years ago, as a regular participant at La Colectiva, I created a group in yahoo, so that people could remain in contact after the exhibition was over. You're invited to join!


Juan Manuel.