Dec 3, 2007

Creative Italian Animation

If you understand Italian at least a bit and you like good animations, is a website you should visit.

Their work helps to promote organizations like Doctors Without Borders or Greenpeace. They have a range of animations that are just pleasent to watch while at the same time they tackle some important issues of our globalized world.

I like specially their work for the italian version of Doctors Without Borders that has a Nahir, a 5 year old girl as the main character. She reminds me of Mafalda, that other great 6 year old character from Quino that was also used to questioned the world with that naivete that only kids can have (you can see at the end of the post an image of Nahir -in color- vs Mafalda in B&W).

Another sample of their interesting work can be seen as an intro for Pangea, an Italian non profit that helps women in Afganistan by teaching them new skills and by giving them micro loans to start their own business. In this animated intro, the same young woman answers questions about her life after and before Pangea making it pretty clear how her life has changed for good.

Animation is a great tool for advertising in general because people can get over the looks of an actor and focus on the message. Is nice to see it applied to good causes like these ones!

Nahir & Mafalda:
is it me or they could be cousins?

(Thanks Roxana for the lead!)

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