Jan 5, 2008

From Another Point of View

The Jameson Festival is up again and there are only a few days left before the period for receiving films for the sixth edition of Notodofilmfest.com ends (the official deadline is Tuesday, January 8th, at 12 noon - Spain time).

"Will Fight Until the End" or "Hasta la Victoria siempre" is one of the short films that are part of the competition and so far is the one that has my vote.

Check it out for yourself:

One of my favorites exercises when teaching creativity for copywriters has always been one where I ask my students to pick an animal (the exotic the better). Once they have selected one, I give the assignement: they have to write from the point of view of that animal, describing a possible interaction that that they had with us... How they see the world? How they see us?

I am very glad that someone has used the same technique to show how cruel we can be 'just because', for our 'entertainment'.

Great short film, very well done that should become an ad for the animal rights.

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