Welcome 2008 !
- New Year, New Sections - You know how it goes. Even when a new year is in fact no more than a social agreement, it is also part of that agreement the idea that sometime between Dec 31 and January 1st is THE moment to make your resolutions for the rest of the year, something a.k.a. "New Year resolutions".
Me, personally, I don't like to start the year with such resolutions just because I am awful at long term planning. Also because I am a bit of a bulldog over my promises --if I made a promise I have to fulfill my word, so I rather stay away of promises to myself.
Now, the fact that I do not have any New Year Resolution to share (because some you just don't want to make them public) doesn't mean that this little UglyDoggy can not have his own and in his case they are all call 'new sections'.
Starting this year you will find new sections/labels such as:
Ugly: there is a lot out there about good advertising. There is not so much about the bad, ugly ones. They can be ugly for several reasons: aesthetics, lack of creativity, wrong message, wrong target...and more. Truth is there is a lot to be learned from those ugly, bad creative mistakes. On each posting I will let you know why that ad was selected to be the ugly one. But, as ugliness is also part of our daily life and part of this site name, I will also post from time to time some other ugly things that I found here and there that are not necessary ads (I already have some tattoo in mind to share with you under this section...)
Trip Over: This will be about sites or products that I found searching for something else but that they caught my attention for one reason or the other.
Words of Wisdom: I am a sucker for good quotes. At the end of the day, a good sentence that in some few words says more than a whole book on the same subject, is a great example of creativity. So I'll share the good ones I may found here and there.
Random Thoughts: I have very weird random thoughts on daily basis. Some you will find them funny, I am pretty sure about that, but some may shock you (not my problem, sorry).
LatAm: I will do my best to post more of the campaigns from Latin America. "Do my best" means take the time to translate. No big promises, but I'll try.
Of course everything will still be sprinkle with other stuff. Anything that I believe is a good idea will go. Sometimes bad ideas will make their way too. Politics has its space here (especially when I need to rant) and dogs will always have a space in UglyDoggy.
So, welcome to "the new and improved" 2008 UglyDoggy.com!
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