In Pixieland: Tools for Creativity
This is not my spoiled UglyDoggy, but a friend's dog. The main reason she is the star of this story today is because she was caught at the scene crime and even when her face looks innocent, she is not.
See all those papers around her? Well, those were nice, neat piles product of some "let's get organized" work on my friend's side. Of course, it took Pixie (the dog) one minute to make a mess out of them!
But the story goes beyond this. When chatting with my friend about the fact that Soy (my dog) tends to do exact the same thing -to my utter frustration)- we started "talking dog" what means exchanging what we believe is their point of view on the matter. For example, when I ask if I can include this picture in my blog, the answer was:
"Sure, you can put her on UD -- but she wants it noted that the cats started it!"
That is Pixie's side of the story. Because she lives in Pixieland, her world, a parallel world to ours, a world we inhabit but we rarely think about...
An animal, a baby or even an object point of view is an excellent way to exercise creative thinking. Consider this for a minute: Does my dog think that I am an excellent hunter each time I come back from the supermarket with food? Does your cat thinks you are crazy because you are knitting instead of playing with the balls of yarn? How they look at us? Is it like the old saying, we are gods for our dogs and servants for our cats? How they perceive OUR world considering their world?
Trying to "get in their heads" and to see the world through their eyes, is a useful tool for anyone that wants to improve their creative skills, and it is a proven technique for creative writing either for advertising or for writing a novel.
In fact, two very good different campaigns right now (one in the radio and the other one on TV) play on the same resource. One is the campaign for Avis, where you can hear the thinking of the "jealous" household car. Here is one of their spots:
Try it out. And if you can find out what my dog thinks about me, your cat about you and/or what Pixie thinks about those piles she messed with, share that knowledge with us!
(Thanks Pixie for your permission to publish the picture and your argument about the cats was duly noted!)
Reminds of DeBono's OPV- Others Point of View. I use this idea often when teaching to help students see ideas or story elements from another characters point of view. This really generates some interesting ideas. Kids being kids love to think about the point of view of the toilet.
Great blog, I am adding your blog to my blog. Keep up the great thinking.
Kids are the best to exercise creativity! In some way they are still "raw material" and they have less things already labeled and categorized in their brain, so they naturally do more "unusual" connections (unusual for us of course). Thanks for your kind words and the link, I will make sure to stop by your site!
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