Oct 27, 2008

I Am Not Voting for Obama, I Simply Can't

First, let’s get this straight. I can’t vote. I am not a convicted felon and there is no mismatch between my ID’s and my registration. I can’t vote because I am a legal resident but not a citizen. So there is nothing wrong with me, my status or the voting system when it comes to why I can’t vote.

Now, I have been living in the US for a bit more than 5 years –always legally-, I am married to an US citizen and as anyone else living here I am concerned about where this country is going. I don’t vote and I do understand the reasons why I can’t.

But if I could, this is how I would vote...

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who has based his campaign on hope and not on fear.

- If I could vote I would not vote for someone who labels himself as something that in fact means “no labels” but rather for someone that seldom labels himself at all.

- If I could vote I wouldn’t care if his second name sounds Arab (Hussein) or sounds girly (Sidney) because I know that names are not your fault and what sounds good in one place may sound horrible in another, but it is still not your fault.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who is listened to by the most diverse group of people, white, black, young, old, Christians or Jews, because they want to put their differences aside to build together something bigger, bolder, better.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone that also wants to listen to the most diverse group of people because he knows that by hearing diverse voices you learn more, you understand more, and you can do more.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who wants to support the troops by not sending them to wars against who we don’t like but against people that in fact attack us.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who understands that sometimes there is more honor in admitting there was a mistake to start with, than someone that wants to continue to shed blood just to be able to say “we won”.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who acknowledges that depending on who gets a tax cut, who doesn’t and how taxes are used is always a way of “spreading the wealth” that wealth being good schools, good hospitals and a better standard of living for everyone.

- If I could vote, I would vote for someone who believes that everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt first, and should be allowed to speak in his defense at least once without preconditions instead of for someone that believes that they know everything there is to know and would bomb first and talk later.

- If I could vote, I would not take in consideration the color of his skin, because technically speaking it just means more or less melanin.

- But if I could vote I would consider age, because technically speaking it may mean slower reactions, less understanding of how the world has changed and is changing and the hazard of bringing more uncertainty to the country if he dies.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who knows how the younger generations communicate among themselves, who is comfortable around new technologies and therefore can understand more about its potential for good or for bad.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who “suffered” the daily and common tribulations of being raised by a single mother, of needing a loan to study, of having just one house to lose instead of someone who had suffered the horrible but uncommon tribulation of being a prisoner of war and can lose one house because has several.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who believes that to start changing anything you need a teammate that will bring balance and another type of experience to his way of thinking instead of someone that believes that two mavericks on the loose can be good for anyone.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who inspires people.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who may lack experience because of his age but learns fast rather than for someone that has plenty of bad experiences to share and learns slowly.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who believes that a country that was able to put a man in the moon should be able to come up with new ideas when it comes to energy and not for a man who’s main idea is “drill, baby, drill” without acknowledging that it’s not a new route and that it can’t bring any real relief in the short and the long term.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who is interested in showing his skills as a diplomat instead of someone who is interested in showing his skills as a warrior.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone interested in restoring the good name of this country by bringing back what made it the most admired one: freedom; freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs and the freedom to think differently but never for someone who seems concerned just for the freedom of the market.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who understands that he should be a president for everyone, the ones that believe in Christ and the non believers too, because this country has them all.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who can unite.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who inspires people to gather, work and to mobilize; someone that can create a movement instead of needing a political machine to get things on the move.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who had the courage to vote against a “popular war” because he thought it was a wrong war even if that decision didn't make him popular at the time.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone that who has the courage to choose a teammate that has criticized him before because he really puts the country first, instead of someone who has chosen a teammate just because he needs some cheerleaders.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone that I may not be sure how much good can actually do rather than for someone that I know how much damage can do.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who would not call me “Sandra the Business Consultant” and that instead understands that under those shallow labels there are people that think different no matter what they do for a living.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone that uses the words “we” and “you” more than “me” and “I”.

- If I could vote I would rather vote for someone who is accused of having an “elite education” that he got it through scholarships and was a good student than for someone who got an elite education because of his family history but that finished near the bottom of his graduating class.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone that who has shown restraint and that can smile while receiving punches, instead of someone who gets all railed up for anything and everything and is known for his bad temper.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who wants us to know more about the unknown instead of someone that wants us to fear what we don’t know.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who has raised most of his money through small donations from people like you and me than for someone who has raised his money from fundraising dinners. They “owe” their campaign to very different people.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who talks to his opponent looking straight into his eyes.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who was able to get people to “change” their minds and their historic vote, because that makes it clear that he could in fact be an agent of change.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who also understands that life is unpredictable and therefore has chosen a running mate that has the knowledge and the experience to lead the country.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who shows honor instead of talking about it.

- If I could vote, I would vote for someone that wants to lead us instead of someone that wants to “teach” us.

- If I could vote I would vote for someone who can make people feel and believe that “we can” because it gives the power back to the people.

- Last but not least, if I could vote I would never vote for whoever George W. Bush is voting for. He has given us plenty examples that show clearly that he is not a good decision maker.

I am not voting for Obama, because I can’t.

But I hope that you can and I hope that you will. And I hope you will do it today.


Anonymous said...

Well put.

I too am not voting for Obama, because I can’t.

Anonymous said...

Well said if only people will focus more on the positive and not fear and hate then all the difficult times ahead of us is just a hurdle that we will easily surpass.

intrepidideas said...

Well thought and well written. My compliments to you. Let's hope that enough of those who can vote will use the wisdom and common sense that you have to make their decision.

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

I would that I could make you an honorary citizen so you could cast your vote. But even if you cannot vote, you could make phone calls for his campaign. I mean, you might not want to, but tonight I visited his site and saw a phone and it suggests we make calls. This is something you could do. By the way, I really like the post you created.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most well-thought out and beautifully written pieces I've yet seen in social and political commentary. In the midst of all this sniping, a comment was made about certain Americans being more patriotic than others, presumably because of their conservative and non-inclusive ideals. You've managed to capture the most succinct of all definitions of the word Patriot because your philosophies MAKE you one.


Urban Cubbage said...

Well written and well thought out. The real shame is that we do not have any candidate that fits your description at all. The two major political parties have lost touch with America. All they can think about is keeping power to themselves instead of thinking that the power belongs to the citizens of USA. Until we take our country back from the political elite we will never have a free society, a well educated society, a diverse society that is united to make the world a better place free of war, hate, prejudice, discrimination, fear and hunger.

Obama reminds me of a used car salesman (slick and never telling what he is trying to sell) and McCain does not make good choices.

Real shame because I started out this political season with hope that we could elect someone who could bring the country together.

San said...

Thank you VERY much Thomas, Pedestrian, Intrepid, Theresa and Dina...! I hope it may help some undecider voter out there to make a decision... :)

San said...

Urban... If you want to know what the guy has to sell, his website is a good starting point. Let me be clear, I am not an Obama "fan", nor I think he is the salvation.

I simply think he IS a good candidate that has showed already a lot of things that the McPalin ticket has not: good judging (the war), guts (to vote against a "popular" vote like the one around the war) as well as the ability to learn fast and the ability to unite people.

I haven't seen a more diverse crowd than the one you can see at the Obama's rallies. I haven't seen a less diverse crowd than the one you see at either Mc or Palin's rallies. It seems pretty clear to me that one crowd understands that is a difficult moment and it is a moment to "stand united", while the other crowd just want their way or else. Those antagonistic views are being fueled by the candidates, Obama for union, McPalin for "our way", "our small town America", "our values".

There is no reason to deny the opportunity to lead this country to a guy that showed ability to make decisions, ability to learn and ability to unite.

But again, that is just my opinion ;)

Jack Payne said...

McCain is in a box. He has to preach hope, and, at the same time sound fear, about the consequences of an Obama win.

Anonymous said...

Nicely written. This made my day after I had come across some pro-McCain opinions.

Anonymous said...

Great post--I sure hope that people who CAN vote share your views and that they (most importantly) get out and vote. There's just so much at stake.


Anonymous said...

Sandra. I'm sure you can guess who this is (not Doug). Were you censoring out any negative replies or there just weren't any? I already know what your answer is, BTW, so consider that question rhetorical. I think your post is good (at least as far as I could get through), but I just don't think it defines Obama as much as you do. Talk to you soon.

San said...

No Rob, there was no censorship at all. :) Obama is difficult to "define" really, as it tends to be with people that think for themselves and that are very pragmatic. I guess he tried to define himself a bit for the elections but I believe he will be difficult to label, really....