Dec 31, 2008

2008, The End - 2009, The Beginning...

So another year goes by and we will be waiting for 2009 with good friends and good food. For me, years are like movies... some are good, some are bad, but they all end at some point and the beginning of a new year is like the going into the movies for a new one... would I like it? Yes, no? Would it be sad or funny? How will I remember this one? How will you?

So, here is my good bye to 2008, movie style...

Personally, I can't complain about 2008 but let's face it this year has not been a good one -generally speaking- and it's ending pretty bad. I truly hope 2009 can bring some good news but I have to say that for me, just knowing that next year Bush will be no longer be the President of the US makes it a better year already! In the meantime...

Happy New Year, Folks!

PS: The video was made with Dill Pixels "Nostalgia" photostream at Flickr, where you can find much more "endings". The soundtrack is "Carousel" from Kenneth King, available at YouTube AudioSwap. The editing is mine and the very first I did myself...

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