Ok, I AM getting old...
Hmphhhh.... there are some signs out there. I *may* be getting older. Not really sure about that yet, but again, there are some symptoms... I rather don't go into details.
Now, I may be getting old but what about grown up? Yesterday, while waiting at the dentist office, reading his office newsletter (yeah, they have one) I came across this list:
- Your houseplants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them
- You keep more food than beer in your fridge
- 6:00 AM is when you wake up, not when you go to bed
- You hear your favorite song in the elevator
- You watch Weather Channel
- You go from 130 days of vacations to 14
- Jeans and a sweater no longer qualifies as "dressed up"
- Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up
- You are the one calling the police because the kids next door won't turn down the stereo
- Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you
- You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore
- You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's leftovers
- You take naps
- Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one
- Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach
- A $4 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff"
- You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time
- "I can't drink as I used to" replaces "I'm never going to drink that much again"
- 90% of the time you send in front of the computer is for real work
- You read this entire list looking for one sign that doesn't apply to you
So the green bold ones apply to me. Five over 20, but on my defense, I believe that just two really count. Because yes I do hear my favorites songs on the elevator, but I have always loved oldies, songs that were written before I was born. And I watch the Weather Channel BUT I LIVE in Florida, WHAT DO YOY EXPECT? Hurricane season is not a joke...
Last but not least I NEVER considered a $4 bottle of wine "pretty good stuff". Not even in my 20's!
Anyway. I am either 25% grow up if we count all the green ones or 10% grow up if we count the two ones that I believe really apply. Not so bad considering that I have been on earth for more than 4 decades. So I may be getting old, but I am not fully grown up... phew! :D
How about you? Old, grown up or still a baby?
1 comment:
-No te vas a dormir sin antes lavar los platos,
-Pasas un trapo de piso “solo para levantar pelusa”.
-Le das un “besito” a cualquier botella con alcohol y como excusa enunciás un mentiroso “para aplacar el frío”
-Tenés cantidades industriales de sales digestivas, pastillas de carbón, laxantes, analgésicos, gasa, termómetro.
-La pasas realmente mal si te quedas sin Alplax
-Empezás a comprar cualquier producto “reducidos en algo”
-Patéticamente repetís “en mi época, esas cosas no pasaban” (aunque ÉSTE sea TU momento)
-Siempre sale la misma vieja anécdota cuando te juntas con amigos.
-Te regodeás con un plan de viernes a la noche que supone ...dvds y comida casera.
-Los últimos 3 pares de zapatillas que compraste son Converse botitas.
:( y tanto más...
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