Jun 11, 2007

Some things do not mix well...

...Except when using a good illustration! These are some ads for a refrigerator in Europe that has 'something' that prevents smells to mix. A wonderful trait for the product (because yes, is very annoying when your chocolate cake smells like meat) and very well represented in this campaign.

If it was up to me, I would have come with a name for each one of the creatures (like "The Pearish") for the first one... it would have been a nice twist but it is true that the ads are good with or without a name for each 'specimen'

So, if the first one is the Pearish, what name would you give to the second "animal"? C'mon, bring some ideas to the table!

PD: Paula. Vicky, Grace, no les parecen estos avisos un homenaje a Muraro? Yo nunca me olvido su ejemplo: asado + desodorante de ambientes = espantosa mezcla de asado con rosas.... :)


Unknown said...

Big Ugly Watermelon Ostrich Thing

Anonymous said...

En "mi època" empezó a divagar lisérgico e indicaba : Mayonesa y naranja de ombligo :)))

San said...

:)) :))