Feb 3, 2008

The Bookinist

Bookinist is a movable chair designed especially for reading.It is based on the principle of a pushcart and can be rolled to a favourite spot. About 80 paperbacks can be stored ready for use in the arms and the backrest of the chair.

With a reading lamp and hidden compartments for writing utensils (reading-glass, bookmarks, pencil, pencil sharpener and a pocketbock are included) Bookinist invites you to read and think at your leisure.

Winner of the Gold in the 2008 Deutsche Designer Club, the bookinist is the work of Nils Holger Moormann, a company situated in upper Bavaria, that is also one of the protagonists os the "New German Design" school that has been producing and selling items from young and unknown designers.

The Bookinist is not alone in this collection. Some other pieces of furniture will make you look twice. Check them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey this is lovely. And for book lovers like me, it wud be nothing short of a blessing!
Wish it were available in India!