Feb 7, 2008

Found My Cookbook

I have several cookbooks and I made good use of them..., from time to time. I have no problem with cooking but I do miss the delivery that was SO available in Buenos Aires and is SO inexistent in South Florida.

While living in BA, if I would badly want a steak at 3 am and I wasn't in the mood for cooking, just one call to "La Madelaine" and I would have a steak or ravioli or whatever I want in 20 minutes, at my door. In fact, I would want food, and cigarettes, and candy, and a DVD and the laundry done and to do the grocery shopping and I could get and do ALL of that with just a couple of phonecalls or using internet.

Sigh. Good old delivery, how much I miss you! What takes me to this book, that may be the next and last cookbook that buy in my life:

Hehehe. Well, no, I know myself, I will buy others too, but I like how these guys present the "art of takeouts". An excerpt from the book reads:

By entertaining with takeout, your role will evolve from creator tu curator, from laborer to supervisor. It's still art, but the art is in managing the mix.

C'mon. Tell the truth. You are among friends. Isn't this a book you would love to have?

Found at Knock Knock also publishers of other tempting titles, like the "Manual of things that may kill you"; "How to Have an Ill Behave Dog" and "How to Drive Like a Maniac, among others. Mmmmm.. I may even end up changing my mind and buying a "How to..." book!

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