Feb 25, 2008

Obey , Obay!

"If they can't see it your way, is time for Obay" reads the packaging of these (fake) pills for kids that are part of an advertising campaign in Canada.

The teaser worked pretty well and for a while everybody was trying to guess who could be the client for such a strange message. Funny enough some were thinking "Scientology".

When Amy started thinking by herself,
we had to nip it in the bud with Obay.

My son had ideas of his own.
Obay put a stop to that.

The posters are signed "From the makers of 'WhyBecauseISaidSo'", and finally yesterday, The Torontoist came up with some good information. They confirmed that the campaign is from Colleges Ontario, an advocacy organization representing twenty-four colleges across that Canadian province.

Today the rest of the campaign will be reveal. I will keep you posted. Meanwhile here is the link to The Torontoist original article.

1 comment:

Mark p.s.2 said...

Obay is real. I experienced it.