May 29, 2008

Play Your House!

I have a soft spot for anything Italian. Considering that my granparents on my father's side were from there, maybe there is something like the call of the blood.., who knows?

Anyway, I like italians and I like them more when it comes to design.

Today I was visiting the site of "Lago" -not a newcomer when it comes to furniture design-, looking at their pictures of the Milan Salon whenI came across the unusual campaign they have started with their trucks, the ones they use to move their furniture. I am not 100% sure why the message is in English instead of Italian, but I guess they want to make sure that people from other countries in Europe can understand it too. Take a look to its side:

Ad Lago Truck

And this is the "polite" rear of the same truck...

Lago Truck Back

I bet you have seen some of their most known furniture somewhere else, but just in case you have not, here you can see one of their amazing bookshelves (my favorite). All their design goes perfectly well with their slogan of "Play with your house"....

funny bookshelves

Check out their site to see more really fun furniture!


Anonymous said...

The problem is not being Italian, or German or Swiss, the problem is that in Italy we have fine minds and we are proud of it, but we have the worst politicians and journalists of Europe. Please help us!

RayZink said...

What cracks me up about people that bitch about trucks is they don't realize they're the reason you have food to buy at the grocery store among everything else - don't be so naive.

San said...

Ray, in this case they are the same company using the trucks... I don't think they are bitching about them, just encouraging people to use smaller cars instead of Hummers and SUVs... If you want to see another creative campaign using trucks but delivering your message (with messages like "Till we´re able to send liver sausage by email, unfortunately we have to share the streets“) check out these trucks in Germany, part of a campaign from DaimlerChrysler that made the truck drivers proud pointing out: "Everybody profits by trucks “.