May 29, 2008

The Year of Creativity

Under the credo of "Be the change that you want to see in the world", the italian agency AdmCom launched a new site that aims to "stimulate something we all have in common: creativity. It is a starting point from which to explore the amazing potential of small changes and the infinite opportunities they offer.

YOC is an invitation to be more curious and more imaginative. It is a catalyst that promotes real and virtual opportunities for us all to discuss and compare our own creativity. It is a space in which the endless personalities inside us can express themselves, as only those who are inwardly creative can also be creative with the world at large.

The first initiative in the YOC project is “Be the Change”, an entertaining and ironic way of expressing our multiple identities through a set of highly original, personalized business cards."

Creativity and business card, what a fatal combination for me! And fatal it was, yes, as I spent a good hour browsing their cards that are not REAL business cards like the ones I featured before considering these ones have 'professions' like Bookworm's best friend; Break Philosopher; Cake Carver; Happy Hour Pirate, and many, many other unusual ones.

You can customize them (not the nicest font to do so, but...) and save them or make unusual cards for friends. I wasn't really able to go through the whole list, that has some usability problems -once you click to see a card, you have to start all over- but I managed to see enough to fall inlove with the idea and to get some of them to share with you...

I would call this the "easy way" problem solver, considering the results....

Sometimes I should carry this one...

I bet any designer wants this one!

I love the use of a very well known logo for this one...

And we all know SOMEONE that should carry this one!

But there are soooo many more cards there to see, that the best you can do is to go to the "Year of Creativity" website and take a look. I am sure you will find one that fits you perfectly and one for any friend and foe that you have! Me, personally, I will keep an eye on the site, as the business cards seem to be just the starting point of their project.

Now, if you want to see REAL business cards that are extremely creative, remember that I have some posted, here and here.

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